Quantum Magic with Libby Heaney
Sabine Himmelbach, Director of HEK and curator of the current exhibition «Libby Heaney: Quantum Soup» and artist Libby Heaney give us insights into the slimey, soupy and fluid world of quantum. Together, they unravel Heaney’s unique visual language, explore the intriguing landscape of quantum mechanics, and reflect on Heaney’s remarkable journey from quantum physicist to artist.
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Who the f*** is Johanna Müller?
Johanna Müller, a recipient of the Pax Art Awards 2023 recognising emerging artists, identifies herself as an internet flâneur, delving into our interactions and behaviors within digital realms. Presently featured in the ongoing exhibition at HEK, titled «UBERMORGEN, Johanna Müller & Giulia Essyad. Swiss Media Art – Pax Art Awards 2023», she presents two newly commissioned pieces sponsored by Art Foundation Pax alongside previously established works. In this interview, she offers insights into her artistic journey, perspectives on AI, and advocates for an internet revolution.
Guest Post by Maya Man: (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes
Maya Man was elected by the Friends of HEK 2023 community to create a solo exhibition on HEK’s online exhibition space, virtual.hek.ch. In this blog post, Man gives insights into the conceptual background of the exhibition, exploring Danish fairytales, the online shopping platform, depop, and red shoes as objects of desire.
Interview with artist-duo: Operator
Artist duo Operator, speaks to HEK’s Isabella Maund about where the body is missing in blockchain, their inspirational trip to the volcanic island of Pantelleria and transforming movement into stillness.
Portals into Digital Worlds – Surfing on the «WEK» Planet
Can you find the cat hidden in the hill? Can you understand what the flowers in the forest are discussing? Who lives in the mushrooms that grow in the caves? In the water world, who is watching over the sparkling crown? Which couriers deliver food to the floating cloud village? Do you see the great rice cake planet in outer space? A guest article by Andrea Fortmann.
Retrospective on the Holiday Pass Workshop: Use Ladders and Slides to navigate the City of the Future
As part of the Holiday Pass Workshop: “Build an extended world – with found objects, paper and augmented reality” with Mirjam Fruttiger (K’Werk and SFG Basel) and Anna Flurina Kälin (Freisicht and HEK), children invent a future city. With towers, stairs, slides, and flying ships, the inhabitants of the future city, dinosaurs, dragons, and characters move around in their own way.
Interview with LaTurbo Avedon: Non-binary virtual Artist
LaTurbo Avedon is a fully digitally-existing artist, referring to themselves as a non-binary virtual person. Avedon’s work, Materia, is currently on show in the «Collective Worldbuilding – Art in the Metaverse» exhibition at HEK. This is viewable until the 13th of August 2023 and presents a selection of international artists who explore the possibilities of a decentralised Internet that promises more self-determination, decentralisation and transparency. Isabella Maund, from HEK’s internal team, had the opportunity to interview LaTurbo Avedon about their artistic practice, their views on the future of metaverses and what it’s like to push the traditional boundaries of identity.