DIY Pixel Gifs

What is Pixel Art? Pixel art is a digital art form where images are created pixel by pixel. It’s known for its retro aesthetic and is widely used in video games, animations, and media art. Pixel art is not only nostalgic but also a medium for precise and creative expression. There’s even pixel art in HEK’s collection!
About Piskel: Piskel is a free, beginner-friendly pixel art tool that lets you create both static pixel art and animated images (such as GIFs). Whether you’re designing a simple 16×16 sprite or animating a larger project, Piskel makes it easy!
You can use this simple guide to get started or follow the more in-depth steps below for extra tips and tricks.

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1. How to Access Piskel 🖥️
- Visit Piskel’s website to use the online editor.
- For offline use, download the desktop app from the same site.
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2. How to Draw and Adjust Pixel Size ✏️
- Drawing Pixels: Use the Pencil Tool to draw directly on the canvas. Adjust the pixel size by selecting the squares above the pencil tool. 🎨
- Eraser Tool: Fix mistakes or remove unwanted pixels. ❌
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3. Simple Functions to get you Started 🛠️
- Color Palette: Select colors for your pixel art. Click the palette on the right to choose or customize colors. 🌈
- Fill Tool: Quickly fill an area with a chosen color.🪣
- Shape Tools: Create shapes like circles and rectangles for quick designs. 🔲
- Symmetry Tool: Draw mirrored designs automatically. 🔀
- Undo/Redo: Correct mistakes easily using the keyboard shortcuts for undo (Command + Z) and redo buttons (Command + Y). 🔄

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4. How to Make Animated Images 🎞️
- Add Frames: In the Frames Panel (at the bottom), click “Add New Frame” to create additional frames for animation. ➕
- Preview Animation: In the right hand corner you’ll see a preview of your animation. ▶️
- Adjust the speed of the animation by modifying the FPS (frames per second) setting. 🕒
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5. Exporting Your Pixel Art 📤
- For static images, export as a PNG file. 🖼️
- For animations, export as a GIF or spritesheet. 📹
- You can adjust the export size of your image or GIF using the scale function. The default 32 x 32 pixels is rather small, so we recommend increasing it to somewhere between 200 to 500 pixels. 📏
- Special HEK Anniversary Step: After exporting, drag your file into the «Pixel_Kunst_Hochladen» folder located on the desktop. 🗂️
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6. Viewing and Sharing Your Art 📱
- Once you’ve moved your GIF file to the shared folder, a member of the HEK team will upload your pixel image or GIF to the blog post «DIY Pixel Gallery». 📝
- You can simply scan the QR code on your table to open the post on your phone and download your artwork. 📲
- Scroll to find your pixel art and then press and hold the image until the save menu pops up. 💾
- That’s it! Have fun!
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Tips and Inspiration ✨
- Experiment with symmetry tools to create mirrored designs easily!
- You can also upload template images to make it easier to recreate favourite characters or emojis.
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